Jenny Eclair

From the sublime to the deliciously ridiculous – having spoken on the weighty subject of press freedom at the Frontline Club just a couple of days ago, this morning I was interviewed on the Jenny Éclair show on LBC. Jenny Éclair is a Perrier-winning stand-up comedienne, and she was brilliant, incredibly quick on her feet, moving me along from whether I’ve ever had a crush on a teacher (if you weren’t listening, you’ll never know), to  the Beijing massacre of 1989, to the strangest foods I’ve eaten in China (you can have this one: a worm in gelatine, dipped in mustard), to the Olympics. A little alarm seemed to go off in her head every time I was in danger of saying something tedious, and she would leap in and ask a question that led me rapidly in the opposite direction. I wish I had her sitting on my shoulder constantly, telling me when to shut up.