I never attended classes or workshops because I thought:
- That I would curl up and die if I had to read my work to anyone.
- That criticism would paralyze me.
- That my limited time would be better spent writing.
- That no one can teach you to write.
Now I’ve changed my mind. I think it’s a really good idea to join a workshop if you can find one you like. This is because:
- You’ll have to show your work one day, so you might well break through the pain barrier now (on the other hand, you could keep your work locked in a drawer for ever…)
- Constructive criticism from friends, or brutal criticism from editors, is vital, it’s how we learn to write better.
- Sometimes – often – people write more in half an hour in a workshop than they would in a day twiddling their thumbs at home.
- No one can teach you to write, but they can help you to think about writing, and that’s what I try to do in my quite-long-but-very-easy-to-read Creative Writing Workshop.
So…..Click here to read all 11 pages of the Creative Writing Workshop